0161 4390908
HSF 358
When you need cost-effective security fencing and your main aim is preventing people from gaining access to your premises, the close mesh panels of HSF 358 make it the ideal anti-climb option.
Sometimes referred to a prison mesh each hard-wearing mesh panel is fixed to galvanised steel square posts using slim-yet-sturdy full length clamp bars and strong through bolts. This ensures quick and easy installation around any perimeter and maintains a great defence against any potential intruders.
HSF 358 is hugely flexible for a range of high security locations, from schools, industrial and commercial units, police stations and secure units, Ministry of Defence sites, airports and seaports.
You also have quality assurances with this system conforming to BS 1722-14 for open mesh steel panel fences and LPCB1175 SR1 for fences at 2.4m and 3m high