0161 4390908
HSF Palisade

Palisade offers a simple yet strong barrier and is available in a variety of specifications.

Here at Wallbank Fencing Ltd we are able to provide Palisade fencing with either a ‘D’ or a ‘W’ profile. It is designed to be strong and durable with excellent protection features.
Styles available
Triple Point & Splayed
Single Point
Round Top
Round & Notched
D Section -3mm
W Section
2mm W Section
2.5mm W Section
3mm W Section
3mm W Section – Wide Pale (71mm)
Pale Through Rail
We can also offer welded pale through rail palisade.
This design is extremely strong as there are no bolts used in its construction. The removal or attack of the bolts is the standard tactic for intruders attempting to penetrate standard palisade.
Although green and black are the most popular a full range of RAL colours are available.