It is widely know and documented that the construction industry is one of the largest producers of waste. It is considered to be one of the most unsustainable sectors. As well as contributing massively to air pollution 32% of all landfill waste is estimated to come from the construction and demolition of buildings. Over 400 million tonnes of raw material is consumed annually.

Government targets have been put in place to help the industry become more sustainable. By working in partnership, the construction industry and Government jointly aspire to achieve, by 2025, a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment. I could go on firing off statistics in regards to targets but the bottom line is the construction industry needs to be more efficient, less wasteful yet still deliver quality products and projects.
Suppliers, installers and consumers need to come together to have half a chance of tackling these issues and to see a reduction in waste and carbon emissions across the board. Here at Wallbank Fencing Ltd we are working with our suppliers and clients to offer practical solutions. Our Hoardsafe system is a prime example of this.

Manufactured from from a highly durable composite recycled plastic with a sectional profile this product's lifespan and reusability means there is a big sustainability element to this hoarding system. The system is quick and easy to install. If a section gets damaged it can easily be replaced as each board is only 500mm wide. Traditional timber hoarding has a limited life expectancy and may need to be replaced on longer projects. Painting is normally required to help prolong its life and improve its esthetic appearance. Hoardsafe can stand the test of time, it doesn't require painting and can then be reused on other projects as it is easy to take down without damaging the system. There are more benefits to this system and if you would like more information follow this link

We have suppliers who use up to 90% recycled British or European steel. Our Fencesafe bases are made from recycled plastic. The Fencesafe mesh system can be taken down as the end of its use and simply reused elsewhere. Just because we offer temporary fencing doesn't mean its not secure. By using the same rigid mesh and posts as our permanent range of fencing, you are guaranteed the same level of security. With a minimum wire nominal of 4mm on our anti-climb temporary fencing panels and 5mm on our profiled and twin wire mesh systems, this is almost double the industry standard.
Fencesafe SR1 is the world’s first LPS 1175 security rated temporary fencing system. Offering a guaranteed minimum delay against attack of at least 60 seconds against a range of tools.
Thinking about each construction site as a whole and starting from the outside and working in making changes where possible, using technology and research to help build a suitability culture is the key to driving change.
Initially some of these changes may appear to come at a financial cost but looking at the bigger picture and the longevity of some products and ideas, these cost will be repaid many times over. As sustainable practices become the norm prices will naturally reduce and the benefits to the world and our environment will only improve. I for one would quite like to be part of this change. Will you be too?